Sunday, January 20, 2013

Live Drawing

I had such alone journey to singapore. At that time I decided to draw this city view. This view at Event Plaza, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Do you love tea?

Do you love tea? Sure, I do.
I usually spend my time to drink this tea with my dad in the afternoon and have a small talk with him. The Ginger and Honey is our favorite. 

Je t'aime Pemkar

Pemkar adalah suatu singkatan departemen saya di organisasi Himpunan Administrasi UI Vokasi. Kepanjangannya adalah Departemen Pengembangan Karier. Di awal tahun 2013 ini saya berniat untuk membuat craft yg menggambarkan "what's your memorable moment in 2012?". So, this is the answer I guess. Saya menempelkan 2 tiket acara Pemkar bersama HimAdm. Tahun 2012 saya dipenuhi dengan acara Pemkar yg membuat saya mendapat sungguh banyak pengalaman yg ga akan terlupakan dan tentunya sebuah tim yg ga akan terlupakan pula. Je t'aime Pemkar.

Those tickets were designed by Rama

ANSERIS, the most fancy leather notebook ever

 The most fancy leather notebook ever

my name is 
I put this one on my first page of Anseris

"Kacang Jangan Lupa Kulit"
Saya sudah mencari leather notebook yang cocok, dengan harga yang terjangkau tapi worth it. And finally I found you, Anseris. Sengaja nempelin logo anseris di halaman kedua biar selalu ingat hebatnya orang-orang, yg katanya anak design ITB, yg udah nyiptain ini, SALUT. One day I wanna create my own notebook too #highdreamer.

On the 3rd page I put this one, so that I always remember to update my blog. Sincerely I've been freakin seldom to update this blog, so sorry. But Bismillah I'll make it fresh #resolusi 2013.

Tout est en noir et blanc

Sketch Book Cover
by ryanoberon

It such a recommended sketch book, because it's comfy to sketch on its thick watercolor papers.

"I have faith to not use pencil in this sketch book"

Seluruh gambar tersebut mengambil dari tumblr dan sumber lainnya, except the first one.


Rasuna Said Apartment, 16th Tower.
I feel freedom in every scratch, no pressure, just enjoy the view then draw it down.

This is the view from my best-damnly-ever friend, Shahasrakiranna. She asked me to draw this view on her Anseris notebook's, without pencil and eraser, I just can draw it with drawing pens only. That's the rule. So, voila~

Internship Boredom

Bakrie Tower 35th View, Rasuna Said.
Mengisi waktu kosong saya ketika magang. Bisa dibilang jauh sekali dari mirip, maklum hanya iseng. Anyway I feel so lucky can enjoy this view site everyday at that time. Crowded, traffic jam, construction, buildings, our JAKARTA.

Couleur de l'eau

 City lights are so peaceful, New York City

Both paintings are not done yet. 

C'est ne pas bon

Wednesday, October 12, 2011